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More Brewster Troop One History

with supporting documentation; from it’s founding in October of 1910 through all of its first year activities (to include Troop Roster). Confirmed un-broken tenure to 2014.

Researched by Brewster Troop One Historian
(Eagle Scout Candidate) Life Scout Jimmy Duncan

Troop 1 has been in the Brewster Memorial Day (Decoration Day) march line up continuously since 1911.

In Rev M.H. Gardner’s Obituary: It states “Mr Gardner organized the first troop in this Section, The Brewster Troop, in 1910” It also reveals that Rev Gardner was our first Scout Commissioner of the “Harlem Valley”.

Our First Boy scout was  Ward Hopkins. Our FIRST Eagle Scout was Cecil Austen Bolam

Summer 1922- Special Arrangement were made with the White Plains Council Camps for Brewster Scouts to attend Camp Curtis S Reed in Mahopac

Memorial Day 1925: Memorial Day Film made by Strand Theater  Managers (Holmes and Scneider)- Featured prominently  leading the parade “ Boy Scouts of Longhouse Troop One carrying the Stars and Stripes and the banner they earned in 1910 under former Scoutmaster Gardner”

May 20th 1927 : Invitation from F.A. Benton Executive of Fennimore Cooper Council for the Brewster Scouts to enter the Spring Rally at Mt Kisco. Also an invitation to register at Camp Read that Summer . (Note) “As to the Matter of Putnam County Scouts joining the Fenimore Cooper council, we cannot do anything further until Mr Gilbert Gendall regional Director act. We hope however that it may accomplished so that Brewster, Carmel and Mahopac may be incorporated as the fourth district of our council”

June 13th 1928Th: “On Tuesday evening Mr Kellherer of the National Council of Boy Scouts attended a meeting of local Scout Leaders at Southeast House. Among those present were Father Barry, Reverand Gardner, reverend Hazzard, Clarence McLeod, Earl Blockley, George Blaney and Mr Donley. The purpose of the meeting was to arrange for both Troop One and Troop Two to affiliate with the Fennimore Cooper Council. Earle blockley, Frank O’Brien and H.H.Wells were appointed to the committee to arrange for the raising of $200 for the expense of affiliation.”

Jan 1930 : Troop One Scoutmaster Austen Bolam takes over from Scoutmaster Rev Herbert Hazzard

It is also of major interest that Brewster Troop 1 was present at the last “Camp Read” held at Long Pond Mahopac NY, and at the first “Camp Read” inaugural at Brant Lake NY


Feb 8th: Boy Scouts of America incorporated by William D. Boyce in Washington DC

Oct 7th:  “An effort is being made to effect an organization of a band of Boy Scouts in this Village” (The Brewster Standard, page 5, 10-7-1910)

Oct 21st“American Boys like the Scout Movement” (Putnam County Courier, page 2, 10-21-1910)

Oct 27th: Board of Managers (National Executive Board) takes title to Boy Scouts of America from William D. Boyce (The Boy Scouts –An American Adventure)

October: “The Reverend Murray H. Gardner (First Scout Master and Future Scout Commissioner) registers Brewster Troop # 1 as the 27thregistered troop (from research conducted by Eagle Scout and former Troop 1 Historian Ryan Gillette)

Dec 2nd: “The Boy Scout idea is a good one, and the Brewster Organization are a grand doing” (The Brewster Standard, page 5, 12-2-1910



Jan.20th“The Boy Scout Movement”..”The local branch of the Boy Scouts has been organized for some three months (note: Oct 1910). Rev Murray is Scoutmaster or head of the local organization which number about 20 members. The work of the Boy Scouts in Brewster has already included First Aid, Systemic Bird Study and transmission of messages by Myer Code” (The Brewster Standard, page 4, 1-20-1911)

Feb 3rd“Citizens to Supervise Scouts” “ In order to regulate and strengthen the Brewster Boy Scout Movement, a Citizen’s Supervisory Committee of the Boy Scout’s of America has been formed in the village (consisting of prominent members of the community). Brewster’s growing organization of Boy Scout’s will soon be provided with appropriate uniforms.” (The Brewster Standard, page # 1, 2-3-1911)

Feb 10th: “President Taft to Honor Boy Scouts” (The Brewster Standard, page 4, 2-10-1911)

“Organizations of Boy Scout societies will soon be effected at Pawling and Patterson and it has been proposed that the Brewster’s Company of Scouts join with them to form one big order” ( The Brewster Standard, page 5, 2-10-1911)

March 10th“Clergy Convene in Pawling” “The Revs. Gardner and Russell were absent so the discussion of the Boy Scout Movement and philosophical paper had to be postponed” (The Brewster Standard, page 1, 3-10-1911)

“The (Brewster) Boy Scouts now have what is known as a full Troop, composed of three full patrols.

Patrol 1- S. Ward Hopkins- Leader
Stanley Day – CPL

Patrol 2- Emerson W Addis Jr.- Leader
Earl Merritt- CPL

Patrol 3- Moses Beal- Leader
Fred Merrick-CPL”

(The Brewster Standard, page 5, 3-10-1911)

March 31st“The Boy Scouts, under the leadership of Rev. M.H. Gardner took a ten mile tramp on Saturday” (The Brewster Standard, page 5, 3-31-1911)

April 28th“The Boy Scouts now eat their Friday suppers together grouped around a camp fire” (The Brewster Standard, page 5, 4-28-1911)

May 5th“The Boy Scouts have organized a ball team that listens like the goods. They will cross bats with the Pawling Scouts on the Electrazone Field at 1 o’clock to-morrow afternoon” (The Brewster Standard, page 5, 5-5-1911)

May 12th“Boy Scouts at Baseball” “Pawling’s bunch of Boy Scout baseball players were big fellows but no match for our lads when it comes to playing the national past game. Brewster 14 / Pawling 6 “(The Brewster Standard, page 1, 5-12-1911)

May 19th“Memorial Day”…. The parade will have added interest from the presence of Son’s of Veterans and also because the Rev Mr. Gardner’s Boy Scout’s will also Parade” ( The Brewster Standard, page 1, 5-19-1911)

May 26th“Decoration Day-1911” “In the afternoon at 1 o’clock the procession will be formed on main street and will be proceeded by the Rev. Mr. Gardner’s Boy Scouts of America who will act as pioneers and will be followed by the Bethel Drum Corps” (The Brewster Standard, page 1, 5-26-1911)

June 2nd“Veteran’s Honored” The march order was as follows- Boy Scouts-Bethel Drum Corps-ect. The Scouts, in particular stood in two unbroken lines at attention and presented a fine soldiery appearance.” (The Brewster Standard, page 1, 1911)

June 16th: “The Boy Scouts are off on a tramp to Tonetta Lake this Afternoon” (The Brewster Standard, page 5, 6-16-1911)

June 30th“The Boy Scouts will go into camp at Peach Lake on Monday, July 10th. The Rev. Mr. Gardner will be in charge of the home squad who will be joined by several members of the Pawling Organization.” (The Brewster Standard, page 5, 6-30-1911)

July 7th:” The Boy Scouts will establish their camp at Peach Lake Monday (The Brewster Standard, page 5, 7-7-1911)

July 14th“Ideal weather favored the Boy Scouts who went into camp at Peach Lake on Tuesday” (The Brewster Standard, page 5, 7-14-1911)

July 21st“Boy Scouts in Camp” “25 Boy Scouts in Camp for Two Weeks”

Scout Captain (Scoutmaster): Rev. Mr M.H. Gardner
Military Instructor: T.W. Crowley
OIC Commissary: Midshipman Harry Penny

First Patrol-Seneca

Patrol Leader- Ward Hopkins
Corporal- L. Stanley Day
Leger Reynolds, Fredrick Merrick, Earl Tuttle, George Fasgan

Second Patrol- Oneida

Patrol Leader- Emerson W Addis Jr.
Corporal- Earl Merritt
Ross Beal, Morris Heartfield, Warren Barnum, Perry Fowler

Third Patrol- Mohawks

Patrol Leader- Moses Beal
Corporal- Herbert Merritt
Murray Wiltse, Seth Heartfield, Lager Tiljander, Walter Ganung

Fourth Patrol-Tuscarora

Patrol Leader-Warring Rundall
Corporal- Everett Ruggies
AST CPL- James Vreeland
Aubrey Rundall, Reed Vreeland, Edward Rundlett, Rushmore Garside

(The Brewster Standard, page 1, 7-21-1911)

August 8th“At a meeting of the Boy Scouts held Wednesday evening the treasurers report showed a surplus of $8 on hand” (The Brewster Standard, page 5, 8-4-1911)

Sept 22nd“There will be a meeting of the Boy Scouts at the home of C.A. Hopkins this evening. Hereafter the meeting will be held on Friday” (The Brewster Standard, page 5, 9-22-1911)

Oct 16th: “The Boy Scouts of America are being taught to be very cautious and helpful to others by learning about weeds and mushrooms” ( The Brewster Standard, page 5, 10-6-1911)

Oct 20th“Scout Master Jenkins of the Honesdale Boy Scouts addressed the members of the local organization at their regular meeting last Friday evening at the Town Hall” (The Brewster Standard, page 5, 10-20-1911)

Nov 8th: “Open Meeting of B.S.A.”

“The Boy Scouts’ meeting last Friday evening at the hall was of more then ordinary interest. The Scouts, as usual, were out in full force and the meeting being an open one, a number of the parents and friends of the boys were in attendance.

Professor F.H. Bennett, (principal) of Brewster High School, addressed the gathering on “The Educational Value of the Scout Movement” and impressed everyone with the great and good work of the order in this direction. Patrol Leaders Hopkins, Addis and Beal then gave a series of papers in which they reviewed the Scout work of the year in the various branches. Secretary Day also presented an interesting report.” (The Brewster Standard, page 5, 11-8-1911)

Nov. 17th: “The Boy Scouts meet this evening with Ward D. Hopkins” (The Brewster Standard, page 5, 11-17-1911)

Nov 24th“A Boy Scout Hockey Team is being organized. The evening meeting is at the Town Hall. The Saturday hikes will be inaugurated to-morrow” (The Brewster Standard, page 6, 11-24-1911)

Dec 1st“Scouts Hike Over Historic Ground” “ On Saturday afternoon, November 25th, Rev. Murray H Gardner led his Troop of Boy Scouts on a six mile hike around the new Croton Reservoir and over Mt Semiwaug” (The Brewster Standard, page 1, 12-1-1911)

Dec 8th“First Class Scouts”

“On Saturday, December 1st, Scoutmaster Gardner led his Troop on a cross country hike of 12 miles. Patrol Leaders Beal and Hopkins and Lager Tilljander did an extra two miles putting down to their credit a 14 mile hike, one of the requirements for a First Class Scout” (The Brewster Standard, page 4, 12-8-1911)

Dec 29th: “Scouts Are Entertained”

“The Boy Scouts are a pretty active organization. During the past week besides acting as Santa Clauses Right Hand Men. The boys held through the kindness of Henry H. Wells, a regular meeting at the Casino Friday Evening”. (The Brewster Standard, page 4, 12-29-1911)



The Brewster Boy Scout Troop 1 (referenced from The Brewster Standard ) has been in the Memorial Day line of March each year since 1911.

Jan 26th“Boy Scouts met in the Town Hall on Friday and the usual order of business was transacted. Assistant Scout Master James F Crowley put the boys thru their regular drills” (The Brewster Standard, pg 5, 1-26-1912)

Feb 2nd“Practically Full membership of Boy Scouts were in attendance..” (The Brewster Standard, pg 5, 2-2-1912)

Feb 9th“The leadership of the Boy Scouts of America are taking active measures to discourage the boys from carrying rifles and revolvers” (The Brewster Standard, pg 5, 2-9-1912)

Feb 16th“The Boy Scouts gathered at Saint Andrews annex” (The Brewster Standard, pg 5, 2-16-1912)

May 17th“Scouting on the Home Ground “ “On Friday evening the Brewster Boy Scouts presented a two act comedy at the Town Hall” (The Brewster Standard, pg 5, 5-17-1912)

May 24th“Brewster Troop of Boys presented to the Greatest of all Scouts- Buffalo Bill Cody. A Brigade of Boy Scouts from Brewster-40 in member..” (The Brewster Standard, page 1, 5-24-1912)

May 31stFortieth Memorial Day Parade” “The Boy Scouts” (The Brewster Standard page 1, 5-31-1912)

June 21st“Four new members were initiated into the Brewster Order of Boy Scouts at a meeting held at Tonetta Lake”( The Brewster Standard, page 5, 6-21-1912)

June 28th : “BHS Graduation” “ William Stanley Day keynote address – The Modern School of Chivalry – sketched the underlying purpose of the Boy Scout Movement” (The Brewster Standard, page 1, 6-28-1912)

July 5th : “ The Boy Scouts expect to establish –Long House Camp- at Peach Lake on July 22nd for a Stay of two weeks” (The Brewster Standard, pg 5, 7-5-1912)

Oct 25th “The second anniversary of the organization of the Brewster Boy Scouts (note Oct 1910) will be made the occasion for an open meeting at the Town Hall this evening .” (The Brewster Standard, page 5, 10-25-1912)

Nov 1st: “Boy Scouts Entertain” “ The second anniversary of the organization the Boy Scouts in Brewster… The Scouts are here to stay.” (The Brewster Standard, page 5, 1912)

Nov 22nd“15 Scouts accompanied by Scout Master Gardner took a hike to Devil’s Den on Joe’s Hill Saturday” (The Brewster Standard, pg 5, 11-22-1912)

Dec 6th : “ 14 Boy Scouts led by Prof. E.N. White hiked and paid a visit to the grave of Enoch Crosby in the old Gilead cemetery near Carmel “ (The Brewster Standard, pg 5, 12-6-1912)

Dec 20th : “A three sided debate occupied the attention of the Boy Scouts at the regular meeting Friday night at the Town Hall. The question raised was- should immigration be restricted, unrestricted or restrained entirely” (The Brewster Standard, pg 5, 12-20-1912)

Page 81 of “Images of America Putnam County – by Guy Cheli

Picture (Southeast Museum) The Brewster Boy Scout Troop poses on the steps of the old town hall building
The same picture appears in” Town of Southeast” and mis-identifies the Scout leader as H. H. Wells (Reverend Gardner)


June 6th :”Veterans Honored- The Parade led by the Boy Scouts four abreast..” (The Brewster Standard, page 1, 6-6-1913)


June 5th“Decoration Day- The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, the latter for the first time. Marched in splendid form” (The Brewster Standard, pg 1, 6-5-1913)


June 4th : “Honor Paid to G.A.R.- The Boy Scouts met on main street and were marshaled into line by Walter Ganun” (The Brewster Standard, pg 1, 6-4-1915)


June 2nd : “ America’s Memorial Day- March Order- Major Frank Wells, Henry H Wells, Brewster Boy Scouts” (The Brewster Standard, page 1, 6-2-1916)


June 1st : “Memorial Day Parade- When the Boy Scout line passed, there was applause for all”(The Brewster Standard, page 1, 6-1-1917)

June 1st : “Long House Troop and the Liberty Loans- At the request of President Woodrow Wilson, Boy Scouts throughout the country, including Longhouse Troop # 1 in Brewster, will lend aid” (The Brewster Standard, page 1, 6-1-1917)


May 31st : “Red Cross Drive – Organization Contributions- Boy Scout Troop 1- $5.00” (The Brewster Standard, pg 1, 5-31-1918)

May 31st : “ Boy Scout Troops No 1 and No 2 marched together” (The Brewster Standard, pg 1, 5-31-1918)


May 30th : “ Lost Boy’s Body Found- Boy Scout’s assisted in search” ( The Brewster Standard, pg 1, 5-30-1919)

June 6th : “ The Boy Scouts marched- Rev Murray H Gardner officiated as chaplain” (The Brewster Standard, pg 1, 6-6-1919)


June 4th : “Memorial Day- The Largest Assemblage Ever- The Boy Scouts marched” (The Brewster Standard, pg 1, 6-4-1920)


May 27th : “Memorial Day Parade at 1:00 o’clock new time- formation- State Troopers-Marshalls-Boy Scouts “ (The Brewster Standard, pg 1, 5-27-1921)


May 26th : “Memorial Day Parade- In accordance with the wishes og Major frank Wells, who was anxious to have the Boy Scout Troop of the Community head the Memorial Day Parade, The Scout Master of Troop 1 has accepted the invitation from Henry H Wells” ( The Brewster Standard, pg 1, 5-26-1922)


May 18th : “The seven of Hearts- will be at the Town Hall under the auspices of the Boy Scouts” (The Brewster Standard, pg 5, 5-18-1923)


May 31st : Memorial Day Parade- Boy Scouts marched (The Brewster Standard)


June 5th“ Memorial Day Parade- When the parade led by the Boy Scouts of Longhouse Troop No. 1 carrying the Star and Stripes and the Banner they earned in 1910 under former Scout Master Murray H Gardner..” ( The Brewster Standard, pg 1, 5-5-1925)


June 4th : “Dead Veteran’s Honored- .. the Boy Scouts were next in line..” (The Brewster Standard, pg 1, 6-4-1926)


April 1st : “ The Boy Scouts will meet at 7 o’clock this evening” (The Brewster Standard, pg 5, 4-1-1927)

From “Brewster through the Years 1848-1948” Page 138-139

“The Lions Club of Brewster was founded in April 1927. The Major interest of the Brewster Lions Club throughout the years has been the Boy Scouts, sponsored continuously by them for over 20 years (1927-1947)”

June 1st :” Memorial Day Parade- perhaps no part of the parade was more impressive then the Troop Of Boy Scouts” (The Brewster Standard, pg 1, 6-1-1928)


June 7th : “Judge Black Gives Memorial Day Address- ..A good delegation of Boy Scouts were in attendance “ (The Brewster Standard, pg 1, 6-7-1929)


May 30th“ Parents Rally to Aid Scouts- Tuesday night will be memorable in the history of Brewster Troop 1” (The Brewster Standard, pg 1, 5-30-1930)
Oct 3rd“Brewster Lions Club Sponsors Scout Activity”

At the Regular meeting of the Brewster Lions Club held at Southeast House, the following were present including Rev Murray H. Gardner.

Lions President Dan Brandon assured that the Boy Scout Movement in this vicinity would continue to have the full support of the Brewster Lions Club”
(The Brewster Standard, page #1, 10-3-1930)


July 8th : “ Cecil Bolam BHS Class’32 passes Navy Tests-… As a Boy Scout from Tenderfoot to Brewster First Eagle Scout and as a Sea Scout for one whole season at Camp Curtis Read..(The Brewster Standard, pg 5, 7-5-1932)

Cecil Bolam served two years regular Navy before securing an appointment to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. Graduating in 1938.

From Page 282 USNA Class of 1938 Yearbook:

“ Cecil Austen Bolam – Brewster, New York “bobo’ bo’ YEAH Man” “ I’m a soft dog” “ Don’t care if I do!” No matter where we heard them spoken in those first three years, it had to be Bobo. Hailing From: the hub of the Harlem Valley” Bo has given his Podunk what podunks ask of their native sons. Nothing less than amazing have been the feats of this 185 pound cross country and track ace. The only academic worry he knows is the fight with his conscience to determine whether to master or to be mastered. In either course he is successful. He consider’s man’s greatest vice to be-failure to get the word. Boundless energy and a will to be doing thing will spell his success. As a roommate and a friend – a four year term speaks for itself.”

Cecil Bolam rose from Tenderfoot to Eagle Scout; From Seaman Apprentice to Midshipman; from Ensign to Captain. One of his last commands was the USS Currituck (AV-7) August 1960. He was born Oct 2nd 1914 and died August 29th 1966. He was buried with Full Military Honors in ArlingtonNational Cemetery.


Dickinson Awarded Eagle Scout Rank


Note: from Friday March 12, 1937 Obituary of Emerson W. Addis:
“He was one of the organizers of the Brewster Boy Scouts and commanded the Oneida Sq”


Oct 18th“The Rev. M.H. Gardner, Brewster Minister Dies, Active in Scout Work”

“Mr Gardner was active in the Boy Scout movement here and helped organize the first troop in this section, the Brewster troop, in 1910. He was Scout Commissioner of the Harlem Valley and until he ceased his Scout work a few years ago had formed many toops in southern Putnam County”.(Special to the Herald Tribune Oct 18th 1939)


From “Brewster Through the Years 1848-1948” Page 145
Brewster Scout Troop No. 1 Scoutmaster Robert Heinchon and James Mullarkey
“This summer nearly the entire troop spent two weeks at Camp Reed ( Long Pond Mahopac) and are looking forward to spending sometime next year at the Fenimore Cooper Council’s new camp in the Adirondacks (Camp Reed Brant Lake)”
“The Troop has as its meeting place the Scout Cabin on former Wells property which was given to Brewster High School.”

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