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Merit Badges

Welcome to our Merit Badge Page. Please follow these easy steps to begin working on earning your merit badges.

1. START HERE to review the complete BSA list of Merit Badges.

2. Pick the badges you are interested in and print a copy of the worksheets on Word or PDF format.

3. Contact Scoutmaster Adam Payne and he will assign you a BLUE Merit Badge card (“Blue Card”) and suggest a counselor.

4. Review our list of In-Troop counselors and meet with one of them to start your selected merit badge. If you do not see a counselor on our list, Adam Payne can provide you with a list of out-of-Troop counselors.

5. You can click on the counselors name to send them an EMAIL .

6. Your merit badge counselor will review your request and track your progress thru completion.

7. Upon completion of the merit badge requirements, and sign off by counselor, you are responsible for making sure the Blue Card is turned in to Perry Verrino and recorded, so you can receive your merit badge.

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