Category: News
FRI. AUG 3, 2018 
My name is Evan Payne. I am a Boy Scout in Brewster Troop 1. My Eagle Scout Project will be to build a Kiosk with an industrial bicycle air pump on the Putnam Trailway by Cameron’s Deli in Brewster. The Kiosk will have signs showing a map of the trail, and information about local history.
VFW Post
262 Peaceable Hill Rd
Brewster, NY
Dinner includes: Pasta and Meatballs Salad and Bread
Beverage and Cake
$10 dollars per person to help support the project
I am pleased to announce that we have a new Eagle Scout in Brewster Troop 1!
Eagle Scout Tad Waclawski is now part of an exclusive group of Brewster Troop 1 Scouts who have attained this prestigious rank!
For his project Tad built a stable for a Nativity Scene at his church. He also sold Christmas ornaments to raise money to fund the project.
Thank you Eagle Board members who participated in his review this evening and thank you Brewster Troop 1 leaders and family who had a part in Tad’s advancement throughout the years.
Congratulations Tad!!
Congratulations to John Imor, who has become Brewster Troop 1’s newest Eagle Scout today, after completing his Eagle Board of Review. John’s Eagle Project installed a flag pole and walkway for the Elk’s Lodge in Brewster, NY. Congratulations, John!
Troop Meetings for Brewster Troop 1 will begin on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 7:30pm at the Brewster High School Cafeteria. Prospective Scouts from sixth through twelfth grade are welcome to come to any Tuesday evening meeting to meet the troop.
Check the Troop Calendar for additional details on the Troop’s events for 2015-2016.
We have been fortunate enough to have Troop 1 boys continuing to rise up in BSA Rank Advancement, making more boys eligible for positions of leadership within the Troop. Several boys have become old enough to join the Senior Patrol and several other boys have earned First Class Rank, allowing them to take on the role of Patrol Leader. Check out the newly organized patrols on the Patrols Page.
Eight boys and four leaders just finished a challenging 1.5 mile orienteering course at Durland. Made challenging by the snow covered course. The boys had to put in a lot of effort to work together and figure out leadership, and to negotiate snow covered landmarks and a less than clear orienteering map. The boys located all eight orienteering landmarks and recorded the letter associated with each location. By doing so, the boys completed Requirement 2 for their First Class Rank (some boys already had done so, but had fun repeating the task). Just wanted to give a shout out to the boys and leaders for their efforts.